
執筆者 | 2022年09月21日 | TOEFL, TOEIC, おすすめの本, ビジネス英語, 英会話



How to understand and talk about economics in English: This blog guides you through the most commonly used economics vocabulary, example sentences, recommendations for economics vocabulary books in both English and Japanese, and recommendations for videos to watch to improve your listening skills in English too. If you work in any area of business, and you need or use English at work, this blog is going to be essential reading.


1. Financial markets:金融市場



A financial market is a place where money is traded.

They are divided into several markets, depending on the duration and type of transaction.


2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP):国内総生産

国内総生産とは世界各国で発表される最も代表的な経済指標の一つで、GDP(Gross Domestic Productの略)の略称で広く知られています。国内総生産は国内で一定期間内に生産された財やサービスなどの付加価値の合計を示す指標です

Gross Domestic Product is one of the most representative economic indicators published in countries around the world and is widely known by the abbreviation GDP (short for Gross Domestic Product). Gross domestic product is an indicator of the total value added of goods and services produced in a country within a given period of time


3. Gross National Product (GNP):国内総生産 

国民総生産 (Wikipedia)(こくみんそうせいさん、英:Gross National Product、略称:GNP)とは、ある一定期間にある国民によって新しく生産された財(商品)やサービスの付加価値の総計である。かつては国の経済規模を比較するため新聞や教科書などで頻繁に利用されたが、日本では1993年から代表的指標として国内総生産 (GDP) が使われるようになり、かつてほど注目されなくなった。さらに2000年には国民経済計算の体系変更により国民総生産という概念自体が消滅した。ただ新体系にはほぼ同一の概念として国民総所得 (GNI) がある。

Gross National Product (GNP) is the total added value of goods and services newly produced by a nation’s citizens during a given period. In the past, GNP was frequently used in newspapers and textbooks to compare the scale of a country’s economy, but since 1993, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been used as a representative indicator in Japan, and it has not attracted as much attention as it once did. In 2000, the concept of gross national product itself disappeared due to a change in the system of national accounts. However, the new system includes a nearly identical concept, gross national income (GNI).


4. Interest rates:金利


Interest rate, rate of interest, yield, and discount rate are also interest rates. Like other commodity services, interest rates are determined by the relationship between borrowers and lenders of funds in financial markets, i.e., supply and demand. Therefore, interest rates are the cost of borrowing (lending) funds.

5. Inflation:インフレ率


Japan’s inflation rate reached 2% y/y for the first time in around 30 years, except at the time of the consumption tax increase. However, price increases are limited compared to some Western countries, where inflation is around 9%. This reflects differences in corporate price dominance, the pace of economic recovery, and the degree of labour shortages.

6. Economic Growth:経済成長


The IMF’s baseline forecasts call for global economic growth to slow from 6.1% last year to 3.2% this year and 2.9% next year, down 0.4 and 0.7 percentage points, respectively, from the April forecast. This reflects the stalling of the three largest economies-the U.S., China, and the eurozone-and the global economic outlook has been strongly affected by this.

7. Security:証券


In economics, a “security” is a financial asset or instrument that has economic value and can be bought, sold, or traded.

8.  Bear Market:ベアマーケット


A bear market refers to a continuing decline in the market and is sometimes called a bear market or a down market.

9. Bull Market:ブルマーケット


A bull market, or bull run, is defined as a period when the majority of investors are buying, demand exceeds supply, market confidence is high, and prices are rising. A rapid upward trend in prices in a particular market may indicate that the majority of investors are optimistic or “bullish” about further price increases.


10. Business Cycle:ビジネスサイクル


A business cycle is a cyclical of business fluctuation. Repeated economic recoveries, expansions, recessions, and downturns are part of the business cycle. According to national accounts, GDP is the best indicator of a country’s business cycle fluctuations.

11. Fiscal Policy:財政政策


A government policy that affects the economy through revenues and expenditures. Along with monetary policy conducted by the central bank, it is a pillar of economic policy. The government aims to expand or control the economy by raising (or lowering) taxes and increasing (or decreasing) government bond issuance on the revenue side, and by expanding (or reducing) public works projects on the expenditure side.


12. Law of Supply and Demand:需要と供給の法則


The market price and trading volume of a commodity are determined by supply and demand in a competitive market. In general, when the quantity demanded increases (decreases) while the supply side conditions remain constant, the price rises (falls); and when the quantity supplied increases (decreases) while the demand side conditions remain constant, the price falls (rises) and the quantity traded increases (decreases). The price determined at the point where supply and demand coincide is called the equilibrium price.

13. Macroeconomics:マクロ経済




Macro means “very large,” and the macroeconomy is the movement of the economy and society as a whole, including government, businesses, and households.

In image, it is like looking at the whole forest from the sky. The idea is to consider the movement of prices, consumption, finance, etc. at the national or government level from the perspective of the country as a whole.

In everyday life, news about the bad economy, the strong yen, rising unemployment, and so on, are problems, but these are some of the elements of macroeconomics, and by looking at the world’s movements from a larger perspective, we can think about the future of Japan.


14. Microeconomics:ミクロ経済


Microeconomics is a field of economics that deals with households (individuals) and firms as the smallest units and how their actions and decisions are made. It is called microeconomics because economic analysis is conducted from a narrow (micro) perspective.

15. Monetarism:マネタリズム



Monetarism is an economic concept that emphasizes the role of money in economic phenomena and believes that other economic variables change with the quantity of money.

Simply put, it is a position in economics that believes that prices and unemployment rates can be changed by increasing or decreasing the quantity of money.

In modern Japan, the central bank (Bank of Japan) has been implementing a policy of “quantitative easing,” in which large amounts of money are injected into the market to stimulate the economy.


16. Keynesian Economic Policy:ケインズの経済政策


Based on Keynesian economic policy theory, the idea of stimulating economic activity by increasing government fiscal spending during economic stagnation.


17. Free Market:自由市場

自由市場(じゆうしじょう、英: free market)はすべての取引が政府や権力による強制で行われるのではなく、望むものが自発的に取引を行う市場を意味する。経済学の概念としては、計画経済の対極に位置する。

A free market is a market in which all transactions are not forced by government or authority, but rather are voluntary and carried out by those who wish to trade. As an economic concept, it is the opposite of a planned economy.

18. Opportunity Cost:機会費用


In economics, and in most of life’s financial decisions, opportunity costs can be overlooked or fudged!

19. Equity:資本


In finance, equity represents the ownership “share” of an asset or company. That is, if a company and all its assets were sold, equity represents the amount of money that would be returned to a company’s shareholders. 


20. Commodity:コモディティ


The term “commodity investment” is an investment term. Commodities traded on commodity exchanges means commodity futures trading, which mainly refers to resource energy such as crude oil and natural gas, agricultural commodities such as corn and soybeans, and precious metals such as gold and platinum.


英会話力を上げるなら、PHILLIP JAMESで!

PHILLIP JAMESのレッスンは、会話力だけでなく文法や発音まで総合的な語学力を養うレッスンなので、様々な英語を理解する力と対応力がぐんぐん上達!


  • 初心者~上級者まで、6段階クラス
  • 実践力に繋げる総合力向上カリキュラム
  • 一人ひとりに行き渡る少人数レッスン
  • 目標に合わせて選べるグループ&マンツーマンレッスン
  • 教室/オンラインどちらでも受講可能

 ビジネス英語の語彙力を上げる! おすすめの参考書

経済学に関するおすすめの英語参考書 – English books about Economics



These two book are helpful because it is not difficult if you understand basic economics, and is an excellent way to review many economic terms in English. It would be a great book to study on the train for a few days on your way to work.



This book is somewhat more challenging, but an excellent next step if finance and economics is more a major part of your job, or if you intend to work in the area in the future and you want to make sure your English for economics is strong. 


最後に、この本はイギリスの大学入試で経済学を受験する学生が使っている本です 英語で経済学の知識を概ねお持ちの方、あるいは上記でおすすめした本をやりこんでいる方は、この本で上級レベルの経済学の英語知識を身につけることができます。英語の先生に、これを一緒に勉強できないか聞いてみることをお勧めします。この本を読んだことで、Economicsを簡単に理解し、英語で難なく議論できるようになります。

Finally, this book is used by students in the UK taking the university entrance exams for Economics! If you have a generally good knowledge of economics in English, or if you have worked through the books I have recommended above, this book will give you an excellent advanced level English knowledge of Economics. I would recommend you ask your English teacher if you can study this together. Having read this book, you will be able to understand and discuss Economics with ease, and without any difficulty in English.



PHILLIP JAMESのレッスンは、会話力だけでなく文法や発音まで総合的な語学力を養うレッスンなので、様々な英語を理解する力と対応力がぐんぐん上達!


  • 初心者~上級者まで、6段階クラス
  • 実践力に繋げる総合力向上カリキュラム
  • 一人ひとりに行き渡る少人数レッスン
  • 目標に合わせて選べるグループ&マンツーマンレッスン
  • 教室/オンラインどちらでも受講可能


Here are some great YouTube videos to practice your listening for Economics English!


This is a great way to test your listening skills while you are studying the vocabulary and reading one of the books recommended above.



Here are some great YouTube videos for practicing your Economics English

You can watch the video on 75% playback speed at first, and make sure to keep a notebook with you to write down any words or phrases you hear.


This is a nice video because it is a fast speaker talking about some slightly complex concepts in Economics. It’s great for more advanced level English students, who want to have more challenging things to listen to. It is also good because the speaker uses a lot of regular English, mixed in with her discussion on Economics, so you can feel like it is a real life discussion, as you would have with international colleagues.

